We hope you can find the below answer to any of your queries, if not, please do pick up the phone or get in touch with us by email or our form. 

Two people discussing Aim Forward's Neurodiversity FAQ on a bench while drinking coffee
Woman and man discussing Aim Forward general Neurodiversity FAQ on their website

General questions

What is neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a word used to describe the range of differences in the way we each think, feel and behave because of differences in each of our brains and our experiences. If a group of people is described as ‘neurodiverse’, it usually includes people who are neurodivergent (which you can read about below!) but may also include people who are neurotypical.

Neurotypical people have a more ‘typical’ cognitive profile, which means that their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are more likely to represent the average experience of the general population. Research has shown that the way a neurodivergent person’s brain functions is different in some way to a neurotypical person’s brain. This is often a result of multiple factors like our genes, our early development and our childhood experiences. This doesn’t mean that neurodivergent people aren’t normal, because scientists think it’s unlikely that a ‘normal’ brain exists. But it does mean they may experience life differently to other people.

Neurodiversity can be confusing if you are not already familiar with it. If you want to learn more, you can find more information on our blog here.

What is neurodivergence?

Neurodivergence describes a difference in the way some people think, feel or behave as a result of differences in the way their brain works (also called neurological differences). Most references to neurodivergence are for lifelong differences that develop during childhood, rather than differences that may be the result of other health conditions like stroke or head injuries. We talk about neurodivergent people in relation to ‘neurotypical’ people (which you can read about above!), but researchers have estimated that 15-20% of the world’s population are neurodivergent.

Because neurodivergence is a relatively new concept, there is still some discussion about what it includes, but it usually refers to conditions like:

Neurodivergence can be confusing if you are not already familiar with it. If you want to learn more, you can find more information on our blog here.

What is a mental health condition?

Mental health is a term used to describe the wellbeing of our ‘mind’ including how we feel and think, which can in turn affect our behaviour. People with ‘good’ mental health can still experience low mood and the worries associated with everyday life, but it doesn’t have a significant and long-lasting impact on their overall quality of life. On the other side of the spectrum, people who are experiencing ‘poor’ mental health need support from medical professionals, social care systems and friends and family to stay safe and function in everyday life. Mental health at this end of the spectrum often involves being diagnosed with a specific mental health condition, like generalised anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder.

People experiencing low mood or anxiety, as well as people with diagnosed mental health conditions, can also find they have trouble at work or when they’re studying. That’s because our cognitive function (how we process, remember and use knowledge) is often affected when we experience poor mental health. These difficulties can make a person feel worse, but there are different approaches to work and learning that can help overcome or manage the impact of mental health (that’s where we come in!)

The word ‘disorder’ is still used in some medical and academic settings, but it is no longer considered a helpful term by many researchers, healthcare professionals and people with mental health conditions. This is because it can suggest that people with mental health conditions are ‘wrong’ in some way, when in fact they live with something that deserves suitable treatment and empathy like any other health condition.

Do I need to have a diagnosis to work with you?

No – our needs assessors have worked with people with and without diagnoses for over 10+ years. We are experts at identifying the impact your neurodivergence or health condition is having on your work, learning and everyday life, whether or not you have a formal diagnosis.

We realise that everyone has different preferences and circumstances. We also understand that getting a formal diagnosis of some conditions can be difficult, time-consuming or expensive. When you book a needs assessment with us you do not need to meet specific requirements or show us evidence before you book.

We would always recommend that you seek a formal diagnosis where there is a medical need, but if you…

– don’t feel a diagnosis is right for you

– don’t feel you want or need a label to describe your experiences

– know you work and learn differently

– want to explore personalised support that can help you excel

– understand that we are not able to provide access to medication or other treatment options that can only be offered by medical professionals in the UK

…then we can work with you to find solutions to shape your future.

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they can help here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

What if I have multiple neurodivergences, mental health conditions or disabilities?

This is where we excel: unlike many other companies who focus on one particular area, our assessors have experience across a wide range of neurodivergence, mental health conditions and other conditions.

We have 10+ years of experience working with:
– Dyslexia
– Autism
– Dyspraxia
– Dyscalculia
– Mental health conditions
– Long-term health conditions
– Physical disabilities
– Hearing impairments
– Visual impairments

It is very common for people to experience co-occurring conditions (where you experience more than one condition at the same time), whether or not these have been formally identified and diagnosed.

Our needs assessments are completely tailored to each person, so we explore individual strengths and weaknesses, taking into account all the conditions that may impact your work, study or everyday life.

Our needs assessors hold a variety of disability specific qualifications, alongside decades of experience working with neurodivergence, mental health conditions and other disabilities, including lived experience. Your assessor will be matched to you and your needs based on what you tell us in your background questionnaire.

Do you recommend workplace reasonable adjustments?

Yes, our needs assessments look at potential reasonable adjustments in the workplace, and these are written up in your report as recommendations.

Our needs assessments will explore your strengths, weaknesses and the impact of any barriers you may be facing as a result of your neurodivergence or health condition. Then you will co-create strategies with your assessor to overcome these barriers, whether they pop up in your work, studying or everyday life. It’s likely you will be recommended a blend of assistive technology, software, apps and reasonable adjustments that could be put in place where you work or study. All strategies are personalised to you and your ways of learning, working and living life. You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

It is important to note that we can only recommend potential reasonable adjustments.  It is up to the employer (or the courts in the rare case of a disagreement) to decide what is reasonable to change. We make recommendations based on your needs as you have described them to us, but these are not automatically agreed as ‘reasonable adjustments’ within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010. This is because the Equality Act 2010 currently leaves the responsibility of deciding what is ‘reasonable’ to each employer.

Do you do workplace assessments?

Yes, we can provide workplace needs assessments.

We call them needs assessments because we take a holistic approach which considers all your needs across the workplace, your studies and everyday life. Having said this, our needs assessments are tailored to you, so if you would prefer to focus on your needs in the workplace and for us to label your report a ‘workplace report’ we can do this. Let us know when you book that you are looking for a workplace specific assessment, and we will tailor the assessment to your needs in the workplace.

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

Do you work directly with employers to put support in place for employees?

Yes, we also work directly with employers to deliver diagnostic and needs assessments across their organisations and teams.

What we won’t do is compromise our focus on the individual. Sometimes we have found that there are different and conflicting needs between an employer and an employee. In our 10+ years of experience, the best way forward is to focus on the needs of the individual who is having an assessment with us. If you are an employer looking to provide the best support for their employees, get in touch and we can work together to map out how we can help.

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

What government schemes are available to support me?

The Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is a government funded allowance to cover some of the extra costs related to higher education as a result of your mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, long term illness or any other disability.

Access to Work is a government funded employment support programme. It provides funding to employers of Disabled people, where the adjustments required at work as a result of an employee’s disability would not be considered a ‘reasonable adjustment’. Employers still have a legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to put in place ‘reasonable adjustments’ for employees with disabilities. More information on Access to Work can be found here

Do you offer Disabled Students Allowance assessments?

No, we don’t provide Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) assessments.

The DSA is a government funded allowance to cover some of the extra costs related to higher education as a result of your mental health condition, specific learning difficulty, long term illness or any other disability. You need to supply evidence of your disability to your funding body to start the process. More information on the Disabled Students Allowance can be found here.

Our diagnostic assessments are accepted by funding bodies as evidence of your dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia or dyscalculia and will allow you to access DSA funding and support.

We would always recommend exploring the support available via the DSA or your higher education institution. Sometimes students who have had a DSA study needs assessment feel they still need more personalised and holistic support strategies. In this case, you can contact us to see how we can help with our privately funded needs assessments. You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

Do you offer Access to Work assessments?

No, we don’t provide Access to Work assessments. But our diagnostic assessments are accepted by Access to Work as evidence of your dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia or dyscalculia. You can find out more about our diagnostic assessments by clicking here.

Access to Work is a government funded employment support programme. It provides funding to employers of Disabled people, where the adjustments required at work as a result of an employee’s disability would not be considered a ‘reasonable adjustment’.

We would always recommend exploring the support available via Access to Work funding. We also have many people approach us who have applied or tried to apply for Access to Work and want a more personalised service. Some people can find the Access to Work process time-consuming, complicated and doesn’t meet their needs. If you are employed, then in addition to Access to Work, your employer still has a legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to put in place ‘reasonable adjustments’ for employees with disabilities. Access to Work will not provide support for any adjustments required at work related to an employee’s disability if they would not be considered a ‘reasonable adjustment’.

Our needs assessments will explore your strengths, weaknesses and the impact of any barriers you may be facing as a result of your neurodivergence or health condition. With your assessor, you will co-create strategies that could be considered reasonable adjustments by your employer, to overcome these barriers. All strategies are personalised to you and your ways of learning, working and living life, but they will often include assistive technology, software, apps and other reasonable adjustments. You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.


Are your reports suitable evidence for court or immigration proceedings?

Our diagnostic reports and needs assessment reports are not intended to be used in a court of law. If you require the diagnostic report or needs assessment report for a tribunal, court case or immigration proceedings, you would require an expert witness which we cannot provide.

Are your reports suitable evidence for court or immigration proceedings?

Our diagnostic reports and needs assessment reports are not intended to be used in a court of law. If you require the diagnostic report or needs assessment report for a tribunal, court case or immigration proceedings, you would require an expert witness which we cannot provide.

Two people writing and researching the diagnostic assessment neurodiversity FAQ with Aim Forward

Services – diagnostic assessments

What is a diagnostic assessment?

A diagnostic assessment for specific learning difficulties (SpLDs) with Aim Forward is a formal assessment of an adult or young person age 16 or over, who thinks they may have an SpLD, by a qualified assessor who is trained to identify SpLDs.

Why should I have a diagnostic assessment?

If you know you learn or work differently, or think you might live with neurodivergence like dyslexia, ADHD or dyspraxia, we offer diagnostic assessments for specific learning difficulties (SpLDs).

Some people feel they benefit from having specific terms for their experiences, which is where a diagnostic assessment can help. This diagnosis is recognised by support schemes such as Access to Work or Disabled Students Allowance.

You can find out more about our diagnostic assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a diagnostic assessment with us here.

Who is a diagnostic assessment for?

Our diagnostic assessments are for anyone who wants or needs a diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty (SpLD) and thinks they may have dyslexia, ADHD or dyspraxia.

You might be looking to get a diagnosis for:

– a greater understanding of how and why you work or think the way you do
– specific terms to describe your experiences and to help others understand you
– evidence of eligibility for support schemes such as Access to Work (in the workplace) or Disabled Students Allowance (in higher education)
– evidence of a SpLD so your workplace can put in place reasonable adjustments for you
– evidence of a SpLD so your school can start the process of accessing exam arrangements for you.

You can find out more about our diagnostic assessments and how they could help clicking here and hear from others who had a diagnostic assessment with us here.

Do I need to provide anything in advance?

We will ask you to complete a background information questionnaire. This covers your education, medical history and any previous assessments you may have had. If you want a hand or have questions, our Support team is always ready to help. You may need to fill in a few more documents, based on the answers to your background questionnaire. Our Support team will be ready to help you with these too, if you need it.

We aim to make the process as simple as possible, and we are always here to answer any questions you have.

What happens during a diagnostic assessment?

Your assessor will discuss the information in your background questionnaire with you, as well as asking you to complete several tasks. These are not pass or fail tests: they are designed to highlight indicators of a SpLD as well as your strengths and weaknesses. The following areas will be explored:

  • Language and practical tasks
  • Memory
  • How long it takes you to process information
  • Reading ability
  • Writing and spelling skills
  • Maths skills

There is nothing you need to prepare or revise for, so we encourage everyone not to worry.  There aren’t many people who enjoy completing lots of tasks, but our assessors are experienced in making it as easy as possible and you can take breaks whenever you need.

Where does a diagnostic assessment take place?

We offer remote video assessments and in-person appointments in Yorkshire.

What happens after a diagnostic assessment?

Within 10 days you will have a report that reflects the information from the diagnostic assessment, including a diagnostic decision. The main body of the report gives detail about what aspects of learning have been assessed, your performance during the assessment and your strengths and weaknesses, including how these impact on your work or studies.

What qualifications will my assessor have?

Our diagnostic assessors are either Educational Psychologists registered with the HCPC the or British Chartered Psychological Society or Specialist Assessors with an Assessment Practicing Certificate from AMBDA, PATOSS or Dyslexia Guild.

How long does a diagnostic assessment take?

A diagnostic assessment can last up to 3 hours, but you can take breaks whenever you need them. You can find out more about what happens in a diagnostic assessment by clicking here. 

How much does a diagnostic assessment cost?

A dyslexia diagnostic assessment with Aim Forward costs £650 (inc VAT)

A diagnostic assessment for specific learning difficulty (SpLD) with traits of ADHD or dyspraxia costs £820 (inc VAT)

How do I book a diagnostic assessment?

You can book a diagnostic assessment by clicking here or by contacting our friendly support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or calling 0330 133 9600.

Can someone be with me for the diagnostic assessment?

Unfortunately, the person being assessed must be on their own throughout the assessment.This is due to the regulations which govern diagnostic assessment testing. One of the reasons for this rule is that diagnostic assessment tasks are often tiring and require focus and concentration, so distractions need to be minimised. It also means there is no opportunity for the person sitting in on the assessment to interrupt, make comments or be tempted to answer for the person being assessed.

We always want you to be as comfortable as possible, and appreciate that for children or young adults in particular, it can be helpful for a parent or carer involved.

So we encourage parents and carers to:
– help complete the background questionnaire, as they often have additional insight into how the child or young adult learns
– have an opportunity to ask any questions or share relevant information before or after the actual assessment

Does having a diagnostic assessment mean I get a diagnosis?

No, having a diagnostic assessment does not necessarily mean that you will be given a diagnosis. A diagnostic assessment is carried out by a qualified professional who administers several tests to identify if you have a specific learning difficulty (SpLD).

The testing is designed to build a picture of your cognitive profile (a unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses). Depending on what type of diagnostic assessment you book, from this testing your assessor will be able to determine if you have dyslexia, a SpLD with characteristic features of ADHD, dyspraxia or neither of these.

After the assessment, you will be provided with a report which clearly states the outcome of the assessment and the diagnostic decision.

If you have dyslexia or a SpLD with characteristic traits of ADHD or dyspraxia, this is recognised as a disability under the 2010 Equality Act. As a result, you will be able to access reasonable adjustments for work or where you study, and government support schemes such as Access to Work and Disabled Students’ Allowance.

Will the diagnostic assessment cover more than one type of specific learning difficulty?

When you book a diagnostic asssessment, our Support team will discuss with you which type of diagnostic assessment best meets your needs, either:
– A dyslexia diagnostic assessment. This costs £650 (inc VAT)

– a diagnostic assessment for a specific learning difficulty with traits of either ADHD or dyspraxia. This costs £820 (inc VAT)

There are different costs associated with these as they involve different types and amounts of testing.

If you book a diagnostic assessment for a specific learning difficulty with traits of ADHD or dyspraxia then the diagnostic assessment will cover dyslexia as well as any specific learning difficulties identified at the point of booking. This will all be included in the £820

If you book a dyslexia diagnostic assessment the diagnostic assessment will only cover dyslexia. However if based on your background questionnaire, your assessor thinks you might have traits of other specific learning difficulties (SpLD), such as ADHD or dyspraxia you may be offered the opportunity to pay a ‘top up’ fee of £180 and complete additional questionnaires and testing in order to assess for these as well.

It is your choice whether you chose to progress only a dyselxia diagnostic assessment, or to explore the possibility of other diagnoses too. Our support team can guide you through this and help answer any questions you may have.

Two women discussing the needs assessment neurodiversity FAQ for Aim Forward assessments

Services – needs assessments

What is a needs assessment?

A needs assessment is a one-to-one meeting with your assessor, who will be an experienced disability practitioner. Together you will explore your strengths, weaknesses and the impact of any barriers you may be facing as a result of your neurodivergence or mental health condition. Then you will co-create strategies to overcome these barriers, whether they pop up in your work, studying or everyday life. It’s likely you will be recommended a blend of assistive technology, software, apps and reasonable adjustments that could be put in place where you work or study. All strategies are personalised to you and your ways of learning, working and living life.

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

Why should I have a needs assessment?

If you’re missing the recipe for learning and working your way, our needs assessments offer recommendations and support to help you excel at work, in studying and in everyday life.

You might be looking to get:

– a greater understanding of your diagnosis and how it impacts you
– insights into how and why you work and learn the way you do
– practical suggestions and recommendations to help you maximise strengths and overcome barriers
– reasonable adjustments to put in place in work or study
– ideas for assistive technology and software that could support you
– personalised strategies to help you excel

For over 10+ years we have seen needs assessments transform the way dyslexic people can excel in their studies, work and everyday life, and clients have reported increased:

  • Wellbeing
  • Productivity
  • Career opportunities
  • Grades

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

Who is a needs assessment for?

Our needs assessments are for anyone aged 14 or over who:
● knows or thinks they may be neurodivergent
● knows or thinks they may have a mental health condition or other health condition
● knows they work and learn differently and wants to put support in place to help them excel

You could be a freelancer, worker or employer. You could be studying for GCSEs, A-Levels, apprenticeships or further or higher education. Or you could be a parent looking for specialised support for your child.

You can find out more about our needs assessments and how they could help by clicking here and hear from others who had a needs assessment with us and transformed the way they work and learn here.

Do I need to provide anything in advance?

We will ask you to provide any medical or diagnostic information you have in advance, as well as completing a background information questionnaire. You do not need to share evidence or a formal diagnosis to book a needs assessment with us, but it is helpful for our assessors to have the information if it is available.

We aim to make the process as simple as possible, and we are always here to answer any questions you may have.

What happens during a needs assessment?

You can read more about what happens in our needs assessments by clicking here but we encourage you not to worry: you can expect a relaxed, friendly discussion with one of our knowledgeable assessors about how you learn and work right now. No surprise tests, we promise. If there is anything specific you want to make sure we cover in your needs assessment, you can always let us know in advance and we will do our best to help.

Where does a needs assessment take place?

A needs assessment is run remotely using remote video conferencing technology (like Zoom or Microsoft Teams). This allows you to feel more relaxed in a familiar, private setting. If you would prefer to arrange a face-to-face needs assessment, this may be possible for an additional fee: please contact our friendly Support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or by calling 0330 133 9600 to discuss the options available.

What happens after a needs assessment?

You can get more detail about what happens after your needs assessment by clicking here, but within 10 days you will have a bespoke report. This will outline personalised strategies for working and learning your way, and any assistive technology recommendations you discussed in the assessment. If there’s anything you want more information about, or to arrange follow-on coaching sessions, you can always get back in touch.

What experience will my assessor have?

Our needs assessors hold a variety of disability specific qualifications, alongside decades of experience working with neurodivergence, mental health conditions and other disabilities, including lived experience. Your assessor will be matched to you and your needs based on what you tell us in your background questionnaire.

How long does a needs assessment take?

A needs assessment lasts 1.5-2 hours. You can find out more about what happens in a needs assessment by clicking here.

How much does a needs assessment cost?

A needs assessment costs £600 (including VAT).

How do I book a needs assessment?

You can book a needs assessment by clicking here or by contacting our friendly Support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or 0330 133 9600

Can someone be with me for the needs assessment?

Yes, you are welcome to have someone in the assessment with you: we want you to be as comfortable as possible.

For children or young adults in education it can be helpful for a parent or carer to attend the assessment, as well as help complete the background questionnaire. This is because they often have additional insight into how the child or young adult learns.

If you would like someone to attend the assessment with you then it’s helpful if we know this in advance, so the assessor can prepare.

How much will the recommendations in my report cost to implement?

We recognise that everyone has different budgets, so we take costs into account when we make our recommendations. There is a section in the background questionnaire that you complete in advance where you can outline any specific budget requirements you have.

There are free (or low cost) apps that can provide standard support functionality, and more expensive software with more sophisticated functions.

A lot of the technology we recommend requires access to a computer or tablet.

If you have any questions about the costs of recommendations, get in touch with our friendly support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or calling 0330 133 9600.

How do I get the equipment / training / support recommended in my report?

Many of the recommendations and strategies we make will be free or low cost. Depending on what you’re looking for, and for more complex needs, there may be options you would like to consider that involve purchasing from external suppliers.

In your report, where possible, we will share potential providers of equipment, training and support, but you are also free to use any providers who offer the best solution for you. In some cases we are able to access discounted rates for certain products, or government support funds like Access to Work or Disabled Students Allowance may cover all or part of these costs. Whenever we are aware of these we will try to let you know, but we do not have control over delivery by external suppliers or the availability of government support.

If you read your report and think you may want some personalised support to help put our recommendations into place, we recommend some coaching sessions with your assessor. They can work with you to translate your personalised strategies into lasting habits and refine them as you progress.

Woman engaging in coaching session after reviewing the neurodiversity FAQ

Services – coaching

What does coaching with Aim Forward involve?

After your needs assessment with us, you can have coaching to:

– learn more about the recommendations and strategies in your needs assessment report
– adapt and refine your strategies based on what works for you day-to-day
– build confidence and your ability to tackle challenges or unexpected events
– transform your strategies into lasting habits

We call them coaching sessions, but in reality (and depending on your needs) you can have a mix of:

–  coaching (you set the goals)

– mentoring (we provide expertise and guidance)

– training (we support/train you in any new techniques)

Once you have read through your needs assessment report, think about which strategies you want support for to embed in everyday life. Coaching with us can look like regular sessions to share your journey, a one-off consultation on something in your needs assessment report, or an occasional boost of guidance when you feel you need it – we’ll be led by you.

Do I need to provide anything in advance?

Everyone has a different idea of what they want from coaching sessions, so we will ask you to provide some background on why you want coaching and what you are hoping to achieve with your sessions. This helps us to ensure the time we spend with you is tailored to your needs.

We aim to make this process as simple as possible, and we are always here to answer any questions you may have.

Do you offer follow-on consultations?

We understand that everyone has different questions and priorities after a needs assessment, so everyone has different needs. We call our follow-on sessions coaching, but in reality (and depending on your needs) you can have a mix of:

– coaching (you set the goals)

– mentoring (we provide expertise and guidance)

– training (we support/train you in any new techniques).

If you have had a needs assessment with us and have specific questions, or are looking for follow-on support, get in touch with our friendly Support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or calling 0330 133 9600 to discuss what you need.

How many coaching sessions do I need?

Everyone has a different idea of what they want from follow-on sessions, so they often have a different view on how many coaching sessions they would like. The number of coaching sessions you have with us will be based on you and your needs.

Some people just want one follow-on consultation about something specific with their assessor. Others want more regular coaching sessions over a period of time to embed their strategies into everyday life. If this is the case, we would recommend 6 sessions over a period of 6 months, but this depends on what you want and need.

How much do coaching sessions cost?

The cost of each coaching session will depend on how many sessions you want to book. If you have had a needs assessment with us and are looking for follow-on support, get in touch with our friendly Support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or calling 0330 133 9600 to discuss what you need.

How do I book my coaching sessions?

Coaching sessions are available for anyone who has already had a needs assessment with us. If you are looking for follow-on support, get in touch with our friendly support team on hello@aimforward.co.uk or calling 0330 133 9600 to book your coaching.

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